Garage Active Steel Type Tow Hook - Red (R32/R33/R34)

Sale price$200.00

44881300 - Steel Type Tow Hook - Red (R32/R33/R34)

We offer various towing hooks that are compatible with BNR32, BCNR33, and BNR34. You can select your preferred type, whether it be a basic steel plate design or a removable option that can be installed and removed as needed. Our bolt-on design is specifically made to fit the genuine bumper, eliminating the need for welding.

1989-94  Nissan (BNR32) Skyline GT-R
1995-98  Nissan (BCNR33) Skyline GT-R
1999-02  Nissan (BNR34) Skyline GT-R

Garage Active, Japan